Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Save The Coral Reefs

Welcome everyone to this website on saving the coral reefs.

The Coral Reefs are home and shelter to some of the world's most amazing creatures. Sadly, mankind is destroying them and with them will go the fishes that inhabit them. The purpose of this website is to teach and encourage people, to save the coral reefs and protect one of nature's most beautiful creations.

While viewing this blog, you can see some websites linked to this page, do not worry as they have been scanned and are Virus Free. We also have polls and quizzes to test your knowledge on the coral reefs and I hope you will have a good time learning from this website.

Thank You

1 comment:

Students Always! Enthusiastic... said...

I thought you only have a week before the closing date?
How do you weekly posts then?